

Monday, July 10, 2006

Taiwan PCB Makers To Start PS3 PCB Shipments In 3Q.

Taiwan printed circuit board (PCB) makers Unimicron Technology and Nanya Printed Circuit Board (NPC) will start shipping PCBs for Sony's PS3 in the third quarter, with samples already approved by Sony, according to the Chinese-language Apple Daily.

Compeq Manufacturing is still waiting for sample approval from Sony for PCB's to be used in the new game console, the paper said.

Unitech Printed Circuit Board wil start shipping PCBs for Nintendo's handheld game console in the third or fourth quarter of this year, while Yu Fo Electronic will become the largest supplier of Xbox 360 PCBs, stated the paper, adding that Foxconn Advanced Technology (FAT) stands a good chance of landing orders for PCBs to be used in Nintendo's Wii.

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